Friday, May 18, 2007

Grace Under Fire

I am trying to catch up on some last minute work when my boss pops around the corner and says, “Scheck just got a tip that a supervisor is being searched by the Feds.” I reluctantly grab my gear and head out with the reporter. We head over to City Hall and talk about hockey and softball. My team is 7 and 0 and for the first time in my softball career we’re undefeated.

I dread the thought of waiting outside in the wind, so we head in and wander aimlessly knocking on doors. I notice a cop standing outside a door and suggest that maybe it’s that guy. The reporter says, “Oh I see just because his last name is ‘Jew’ he’s obviously the thief.” After some talking the deputy gives up that the Feds are indeed searching this supervisor’s office on a warrant.

The agent enters the bathroom and unzips in the next urinal. I ask him for his card. He declines, but confirms that they are serving a search warrant.

The reporter calls in his story and stops in the middle of the grand staircase to tie his shoe. Later in the office when I show him his picture he says, “The one thing that separates me from the others is grace.”