I’m on time in the Haight Ashbury district, knocking on his door and I am not surprised when no one answers. I knock a few more times and 5 minutes later the door swings open and a messed up hair, no shirt and barefoot dude squints at me. He tells me he completely forgot and ushers me in to the Victorian foyer. I look past an empty bedroom and then glance over and through a doorway I see a woman pull the covers up to her chin and call out, “Michael can you shut the door.” I tell him to take his time and run a comb through his hair as I creep off to the living room to hide out.
After a while he comes back and suggests I photograph him naked with his cat and we can title it “Cock and Pussy.” I think it’s a great idea, but I am pretty sure the editor wouldn’t want to run it. We shoot some photos and I am thinking there is nothing crazier than an early morning shoot in the Haight.