The name "Altamont" is probably more famous for the tragic Rolling Stones concert in 1969 where a black man was stabbed to death by a gang of white thugs, but the windy Altamont Pass is home to thousands of turbines that dot the hillsides, catching the cool-costal, marine gush before it evaporates into the Central Valley. The pass is said to be the largest collection of wind turbines in the world and my subject is a betting man. He's betting his legal practice on renewable alternative energy as a source of new revenue for his law firm.
I know this is could be a great photo, but I have to massage the moment. I ask him if he has any sunglasses. He shrugs and searches his suitcase (he just flew into Oakland from L.A.). I tell him it'll make a fantastic photo and after some "wrong moments" I create an image that sums it all up.