Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Flies and Cow Pies

Today I find myself driving up into the Los Buellis Hills, East of Milpitas. I meet a retired doctor who drives me around his 2,000 plus acres of land. We careen around the mountainside through gutted, washed out roadways right next to steep drop-offs. We're not wearing seat belts and he turns to me and says, "Jason, there is one thing you need to do up here no matter what; if I say jump you need to do it." I picture our 4x4 plummeting down the canyon, maybe taking out a few trees along the way and me trying to jump or maybe not. It isn't an image I want to dwell on.

I shoot photos of the Doc near some of his cattle, while flies are buzzing around us both. I step in a fresh cow pie. He laughs. This is a great assignment.