Coming back from an assignment downtown I am tired and feeling burned-out. I notice a small old lady staring at me. She is wearing a berkeleyesque outfit and upon taking a second glance I notice a Leica M6 dangling from her neck. In case you don’t know, a Leica isn’t cheap, in fact it was considered the best 35mm rangefinder on the planet and probably still is. We exchange looks back and forth and I try to smile at her, but she doesn’t return the gesture. I think maybe she might be an older, famous photographer and I should go talk with her, but since she didn’t appear to be friendly I don’t.
Before my stop, I stand up to let elderly people have my seat and I go stand by the door. My sunglasses are on my head and my camera is hanging on my shoulder. I notice Old Lady Leica trying to pre-focus on me without putting the camera to her face. She looks up at me and I smile knowingly and she realizes she’s been caught and her face turns sour. I exit the train thinking I should of told her it was OK to shoot my photo.