A week earlier I got my passport. After recent changes these blue gems are a hot commodities and it took me two months to get mine. The last time I had one, I had a Mohawk and wanted to marry Penelope Huston from the Avengers Today, I hope that maybe I’ll get an international assignment leading to fame and glory.

The Eureka court administrator intensely tells me a story of how Wayne Adam Ford walked into the main lobby and sauntered up to the sheriff’s window and confided that he had been very bad and needed to be locked up. He produced a bag containing severed women’s breasts, shocking deputies and leading him to be charged and convicted with killing multiple women while engaged in long hauls in his trucking rig.

I am led around the courthouse and move from area to area photographing the events in the courthouse. I am pretty sure nothing like Wayne Ford will happen, but you never know. After some convincing I am allowed into the criminal arraignment afternoon calendar and I make a great photo. Later I polish off some wheat beer at Lost Coast Brewery in downtown Eureka while posting photos to my flickr site. I have a long and pretty drive ahead of me and I can’t wait to see the Redwoods—the true gems of up North.